Why do people invest in bots for Instagram audience growth?

Why do people invest in bots for Instagram audience growth?

Just like with hiring a marketing team, the pay-off in using bots is often worth the cost. Over 200 million people use Instagram daily. Bots give seasoned professionals and creative individuals alike an opportunity to self-promote and to reach a massive audience that exceeds anything an individual could accomplish on their own.

The thing is there is rarely enough time in a day for humans to match the work capacity of artificial intelligence. However, artificial intelligence is still no substitute for authentic human communication. While replacing people entirely with bots is unwise, bots make a great addition to your marketing and communications strategy.

Investing in bots as an integrative element of a dynamic marketing plan is just good business.

If you’re not quite sure that a bot will work for you, check out our recommendations for the bots that come with trial periods and money-back guarantees.


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